Massachusetts Institute Of Technology (MIT) Theses And Dissertations
This collection of MIT Theses in DSpace contains selected theses and dissertations from all MIT departments
Harvard Theses Collections
Primo provides simple, one-stop searching for books and e-books, videos, articles, digital media, and more.
Columbia University’s Academic Commons Digital Repository
Academic Commons provides global access to research and scholarship produced at Columbia University and its affiliate institutions
UC Berkely – EECS: Theses And Dissertations
The Berkeley Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences is one of the most prestigious departments of its kind, not only as an EECS department in a public university but ranked globally among EE and CS departments
DRS: Digital Repository Service
Northeastern University Library’s Digital Repository Service (DRS) is a digital archive for storing and sharing scholarly, administrative, and archival materials on behalf of the Northeastern community.
U. New Mexico Lobo Vault Doctoral Dissertations
A digital showcase of the research, scholarly, and creative output of the UNM community. The repository is administered by University Libraries and serves as a permanent, ever-growing, free digital archive to disseminate UNM’s research and scholarship as widely as possible.
USA: Best Dissertation In Public Policy And Management (Awards)
APPAM is dedicated to improving public policy and management by fostering excellence in research, analysis, and education.
Montessori Society Dissertations And Thesis
Our Research Library contains a comprehensive array of Montessori-related research.
Stanford U Socrates Online Catalogue
Deposit data, papers, and other resources for long-term access
CaltechTHESIS: California Inst. Of Tech. Theses And Dissertations
CaltechTHESIS is a growing repository of Ph.D., Engineer, Master’s and Bachelor’s/Senior theses authored by Caltech students
Emory U. Electronic Thesis And Dissertations
The Emory Electronic Theses and Dissertations (ETD) Repository holds theses and dissertations from the Laney Graduate School, the Rollins School of Public Health, and the Candler School of Theology, as well as undergraduate honors papers from Emory College of Arts and Sciences.
OhioLINK Electronic Thesis And Dissertation Center
OhioLINK Electronic Theses and Dissertations (ETD) contains over 58,000 theses and dissertations from students at 31 of Ohio’s world-renowned academic institutions
ProQuest Public Health (Env. Studies, Nutrition, Health Services)
Full-text core literature on public health Over 500 full-text titles
USA: Woods Hole Scientific Community – Aquatic And Marine Science
WHOAS, an institutional repository (IR), is managed by the MBLWHOI Library as a service to the Woods Hole scientific community.
Architectural History Of Richmond, VA
This list of thesis and dissertations focus on the architectural history of Richmond. Most of these were written by VCU graduate students in VCU
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