accelerated approval
An official process that allows a new drug to be approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) before it has gone through all of the required levels of testing in humans. It is only used for drugs that treat serious or life-threatening diseases for which other treatments may not be available or may no longer be effective. A drug may be approved through the accelerated approval process if it has shown certain signs in clinical trials that it might be beneficial for patients, such as a shrinking tumor. Further testing of the drug is required after it has received accelerated approval and is on the market to confirm that it really works. Accelerated approval is one way that patients can receive promising new drugs when other treatment options may not exist.
accelerated partial-breast irradiation
A type of radiation therapy given only to the part of the breast that has cancer in it. Accelerated partial-breast irradiation gives a higher dose over a shorter time than is given in standard whole-breast radiation therapy. Accelerated partial-breast irradiation may be given using internal or external sources of radiation. Also called partial-breast irradiation.
accelerated phase chronic myelogenous leukemia
A phase of chronic myelogenous leukemia in which the disease is progressing. In this phase, 10% to 19% of the cells in the blood and bone marrow are blast cells (immature blood cells).
accelerated radiation therapy
Radiation treatment in which the total dose of radiation is given over a shorter period of time (fewer days) compared to standard radiation therapy.
accelerated-fraction radiation therapy
Radiation treatment in which the total dose of radiation is divided into small doses and the treatments are given more than once a day. The total dose of radiation is also given over a shorter period of time (fewer days) compared to standard radiation therapy.
A drug used to prevent and treat symptoms of asthma. It blocks substances that cause inflammation in the lungs. It is a type of antiasthmatic agent and a leukotriene receptor antagonist. Also called zafirlukast.
ACE inhibitor
A drug that is used to lower blood pressure. An ACE inhibitor is a type of antihypertensive agent. Also called angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor.
A drug that reduces pain and fever (but not inflammation). It belongs to the family of drugs called analgesics.
acetic acid
An acid found in vinegar. Acetic acid is also used to dissolve substances needed to make some medicines and other products, such as plastics.