A substance that prevents cells from making or using progesterone (a hormone that plays a role in the menstrual cycle and pregnancy). Antiprogestins may stop some cancer cells from growing and they are being studied in the treatment of breast cancer. An antiprogestin is a type of hormone antagonist.
A type of drug used to treat symptoms of psychosis. These include hallucinations (sights, sounds, smells, tastes, or touches that a person believes to be real but are not real), delusions (false beliefs), and dementia (loss of the ability to think, remember, learn, make decisions, and solve problems). Most antipsychotics block the action of certain chemicals in the nervous system. Also called antipsychotic agent and neuroleptic agent.
antipsychotic agent
A type of drug used to treat symptoms of psychosis. These include hallucinations (sights, sounds, smells, tastes, or touches that a person believes to be real but are not real), delusions (false beliefs), and dementia (loss of the ability to think, remember, learn, make decisions, and solve problems). Most antipsychotic agents block the action of certain chemicals in the nervous system. Also called antipsychotic and neuroleptic agent.
antiretroviral therapy
Treatment with drugs that inhibit the ability of the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) or other types of retroviruses to multiply in the body.
antisense agent
Small pieces of DNA or RNA that can bind to specific molecules of RNA. This blocks the ability of the RNA to make a protein or work in other ways. Antisense agents may be used to block the production of proteins needed for cell growth. They are being studied in the treatment of several types of cancer. Also called antisense oligonucleotide.
antisense c-fos
A substance that has been studied in the treatment of cancer and is being studied in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis and certain skin conditions. It blocks the production of a protein called c-fos, which helps control cell growth. This may kill cancer cells that need c-fos to grow. It is a type of antisense oligonucleotide. Also called c-fos antisense oligonucleotide.
antisense DNA
Small pieces of DNA that can bind to specific molecules of RNA and block the cell’s ability to use the RNA to make a protein or work in other ways. Antisense DNA may be used to block the production of proteins needed for cell growth. It is being studied in the treatment of many types of cancer.
antisense oligonucleotide
Small pieces of DNA or RNA that can bind to specific molecules of RNA. This blocks the ability of the RNA to make a protein or work in other ways. Antisense oligonucleotides may be used to block the production of proteins needed for cell growth. They are being studied in the treatment of several types of cancer. Also called antisense agent.
antisense oligonucleotide therapy
Treatment with antisense oligonucleotides. These are small pieces of DNA or RNA that can bind to specific molecules of RNA. This blocks the cell’s ability to use the RNA to make a protein or work in other ways. Antisense oligonucleotides are being studied in the treatment of many types of cancer. Also called antisense therapy.
antisense RNA
Small pieces of RNA that can bind to specific molecules of RNA and block the cell’s ability to use the RNA to make a protein or work in other ways. Antisense RNA may be used to block the production of proteins needed for cell growth. It is being studied in the treatment of many types of cancer.