The part of the nervous system that controls muscles of internal organs (such as the heart, blood vessels, lungs, stomach, and intestines) and glands (such as salivary glands and sweat glands). One part of the ANS helps the body rest, relax, and digest food and another part helps a person fight or take flight in an emergency. Also called autonomic nervous system and involuntary nervous system.
An anticancer drug that belongs to the family of drugs called antineoplastic antibiotics.
In medicine, a substance that stops the action or effect of another substance. For example, a drug that blocks the stimulating effect of estrogen on a tumor cell is called an estrogen receptor antagonist.
Having to do with the time a female is pregnant, before birth occurs. Also called prenatal.
In human anatomy, has to do with the front of a structure, or a structure found toward the front of the body.
anterior mediastinotomy
A procedure in which a tube is inserted into the chest to view the tissues and organs in the area between the lungs and between the breastbone and heart. The tube is inserted through an incision next to the breastbone. This procedure is usually used to get a tissue sample from the lymph nodes on the left side of the chest. Also called Chamberlain procedure.
anterior mediastinum
The area in the front part of the chest between the lungs. Also called prevascular space.
anterior pelvic exenteration
Surgery to remove the urethra, lower part of the ureters, uterus, cervix, vagina, and bladder.
anterior urethral cancer
A disease in which malignant (cancer) cells are found in the part of the urethra (the tube through which urine leaves the body) that is closest to the outside of the body.
An anticancer drug that belongs to the family of drugs called anticancer antibiotics.