A person who has special training in anatomy (the study of the structures of animals or plants).
A measure of the number of neutrophils in the blood. Neutrophils are a type of white blood cell. They help the body fight infection. An ANC may be used to check for infection, inflammation, leukemia, and other conditions. The lower a person's ANC is, the higher the risk is of getting an infection. Having an ANC of less than 500 means there is a high risk of getting an infection. Cancer treatment, such as chemotherapy, may reduce the ANC. Also called absolute neutrophil count.
A substance that causes blood stem cells (cells from which other types of cells develop) to change into different types of blood cells and increases the number and actions of these cells in the blood. It is being studied in the treatment of myelodysplasia. Ancestim is a type of recombinant stem cell growth factor. Also called r-metHuSCF, recombinant human methionyl stem cell factor, and Stemgen.
ancillary test
In a clinical trial, a medical test on a patient that is not a part of the original study design.
A rare type of ovarian tumor in which the tumor cells secrete a male sex hormone. This may cause virilization (the appearance of male physical characteristics in females). Also called arrhenoblastoma and Sertoli-Leydig cell tumor of the ovary.
A type of hormone that promotes the development and maintenance of male sex characteristics.
androgen ablation
Treatment to suppress or block the production or action of male hormones. This is done by having the testicles removed, by taking female sex hormones, or by taking drugs called antiandrogens. Also called androgen deprivation and androgen suppression.
androgen deprivation
Treatment to suppress or block the production or action of male hormones. This is done by having the testicles removed, by taking female sex hormones, or by taking drugs called antiandrogens. Also called androgen ablation and androgen suppression.
androgen receptor
A protein that binds male hormones called androgens. Androgen receptors are found inside the cells of male reproductive tissue, some other types of tissue, and some cancer cells. In prostate cancer, androgens bind to androgen receptors inside the cancer cells, which causes the cancer cells to grow. Also called AR.