A substance that is being studied in the treatment of liver cancer. It belongs to the family of drugs called thymidylate synthase inhibitors. Also called nolatrexed and Thymitaq.
Against medical advice (AMA)
Departure from inpatient psychiatric treatment that is initiated by a voluntary client, against the recommendation of the care givers.
aganglionic megacolon
A condition in which certain nerve cells are missing from the muscle layers of part of the large intestine. This causes severe constipation or blockage of the large intestine. Constipation is when stool becomes hard, dry, and difficult to pass and bowel movements occur less often than normal. Other symptoms include swollen abdomen, vomiting, bloody diarrhea, gas, lack of energy, and trouble gaining weight. Aganglionic megacolon is present from birth, but the symptoms may not appear until later in a child’s life. This condition has been linked to an increased risk of thyroid cancer and neuroblastoma. Also called Hirschsprung disease.
A finding of abnormal cells in a Pap test. The glandular cells come from the inner part of the cervix or the lining of the uterus. This finding may be a sign of cancer or other serious condition, and more testing may be needed. Also called atypical glandular cells.
Age-related cognitive decline
A decline in cognitive functioning, including memory and reasoning, as a result of the aging process.
age-related macular degeneration
A condition in which there is a slow breakdown of cells in the center of the retina (the light-sensitive layers of nerve tissue at the back of the eye). This blocks vision in the center of the eye and can cause problems with activities such as reading and driving. Age-related macular degeneration is most often seen in people who are over the age of 50. Also called AMD, ARMD, and macular degeneration.
agent study
In cancer prevention, a clinical trial that studies whether taking certain medicines, vitamins, minerals, or food supplements can prevent cancer. Also called chemoprevention study.
A substance that makes particles (such as bacteria or cells) stick together to form a clump or a mass.
aggravating factor
Something that makes a condition worse. For example, tobacco smoke is an aggravating factor for asthma.
Physical or verbal behaviour that is forceful or hostile and enacted to intimidate others.