A disease or abnormal change in a gland. Breast adenosis is a benign condition in which the lobules are larger than usual.
adenosquamous carcinoma
A type of cancer that contains two types of cells: squamous cells (thin, flat cells that line certain organs) and gland-like cells.
A member of a family of viruses that can cause infections in the respiratory tract, eye, and gastrointestinal tract. Forms of adenoviruses that do not cause disease are used in gene therapy. They carry genes that may fix defects in cells or kill cancer cells.
A benign (not cancer) condition in which there are more cells than normal in the lining of breast ducts and the cells look abnormal under a microscope. Having ADH increases the risk of breast cancer. Also called atypical ductal breast hyperplasia and atypical ductal hyperplasia.
A substance being studied in the treatment of melanoma, liver cancer, and other types of cancer. It breaks down the amino acid arginine and may block the growth of cancer cells that need arginine to grow. It is a type of iminohydrolase. Also called pegylated arginine deiminase.
adjunct agent
In cancer therapy, a drug or substance used in addition to the primary therapy.
adjunct therapy
Another treatment used together with the primary treatment. Its purpose is to assist the primary treatment. Also called adjunctive therapy.
adjunctive therapy
Another treatment used together with the primary treatment. Its purpose is to assist the primary treatment. Also called adjunct therapy.
adjustment disorder
A condition in which a person responds to a stressful event (such as an illness, job loss, or divorce) with extreme emotions and actions that cause problems at work and home.
Adjustment disorder
Development of clinically significant emotional or behavioural symptoms in response to a psychological stressor such as family bereavement or break up of relationship.